A quartz stirring rod is a common laboratory instrument primarily used for stirring liquids to accelerate the dissolution of solutes and promote miscibility.
diameter | length |
10mm | 300mm |
10mm | 600mm |
12mm | 300mm |
12mm | 600mm |
14mm | 300mm |
14mm | 600mm |
15mm | 300mm |
15mm | 600mm |
15mm | 1000mm |
16mm | 300mm |
16mm | 600mm |
16mm | 1000mm |
16mm | 1200mm |
18mm | 300mm |
18mm | 600mm |
18mm | 1000mm |
18mm | 1200mm |
20mm | 300mm |
20mm | 600mm |
20mm | 1000mm |
20mm | 1200mm |
22mm | 300mm |
22mm | 600mm |
22mm | 1000mm |
22mm | 1200mm |
25mm | 300mm |
25mm | 600mm |
25mm | 1000mm |
25mm | 1200mm |
28mm | 300mm |
28mm | 600mm |
28mm | 1000mm |
28mm | 1200mm |
30mm | 300mm |
30mm | 600mm |
30mm | 1000mm |
30mm | 1200mm |
32mm | 300mm |
32mm | 600mm |
32mm | 1000mm |
32mm | 1200mm |
35mm | 300mm |
35mm | 600mm |
35mm | 1000mm |
35mm | 1200mm |
- Payment method:
By T/T or prepayment,
It depends on the quantity of the order. - Delivery time:
According to the order quantity. - Shipping method:
By sea or by air,
It depends on the customer.
To confirm the order,
the following parameters are required:
① outer diameter ② length ③ quantity
속성 콘텐츠 | 속성 값 |
SiO2 | 99.99% |
밀도 | 2.2×10³ kg/cm³ |
경도 | 5.5 - 6.5 모스 스케일 570 KHN 100 |
인장 강도 | 4.8×10⁷ Pa(N/mm2)(7000psi) |
압축 강도 | >1.1×10⁹ Pa(160,000psi) 이상 |
열팽창 계수 | 5.5×10-⁷ cm/cm-°C(20°C-320°C) |
열 전도성 | 1.4W/m-°C |
비열 | 670 J/kg-°C |
연화 포인트 | 1730°C(3146°F) |
어닐링 포인트 | 1210°C(2210°F) |
스트레인 포인트 | 1120°C(2048°F) |
작업 온도 | 1200°C(2192°F) |
전기 저항 | 7×10⁷ 옴 cm(350°C) |
크기 | 사용자 지정 |
로고 | 맞춤형 로고 수락 |
There are two primary methods for producing quartz rods: the continuous method and the flame fusion method (also known as the gas fusion method).
Continuous Method: In this method, quartz sand is fed from the top into a furnace, which comprises a metallic quartz crucible surrounded by electric heating elements. The quartz sand melts at high temperatures. The molten material then passes through a shaping orifice at the bottom of the crucible, producing rods, tubes, sheets, or other various specified product forms.
Flame Fusion Method: This method involves using hydrogen and oxygen to melt colorless quartz crystal. The molten material is formed into quartz glass through the melting and congealing of crystalline particles in the flame. The quartz glass is then removed from the flame through different methods and processed into quartz rods of the desired shape.
High Heat Resistance
Quartz material exhibits outstanding heat resistance, allowing for use in various temperature environments, including high-temperature cooking or experimental conditions.
Hardness and Durability
The hardness of quartz makes it resistant to wear and tear, effectively protecting the original shape and texture of ingredients while prolonging the service life of the stirring rod.
Good Light Transmission
Quartz stirring rods typically have good light transmission, making it easier to observe ingredient changes during the stirring process.
Diverse Designs
The structure of a quartz stirring rod generally includes the rod body, head, and connecting rod. Heads are designed in various shapes, such as disks or cones, to meet different stirring needs. Connecting rods are typically equipped with adjustment knobs for easy adjustment of the stirring rod length.
애플리케이션 시나리오
Chemical Experiments
In chemical experiments, quartz stirring rods are commonly used for stirring solutions and mixing reagents to ensure uniformity and accuracy throughout the experimental process. Their high-temperature resistance and corrosion resistance make them particularly suitable for experiments requiring high temperatures or strong corrosive reagents.
Quartz stirring rods offer several advantages over plastic stirring rods, including higher temperature resistance, greater chemical stability, superior structural strength, reduced risk of breakage, and a longer service life.
Quartz stirring rods are suitable for the following experimental environments:
1. High-Temperature Environments: Quartz stirring rods can be used for extended periods at temperatures up to 1100°C, with short-term use at temperatures up to 1730°C, making them ideal for high-temperature heating experiments.
2. Chemically Demanding Environments: Quartz stirring rods exhibit excellent chemical stability, with almost no reactivity with acids or bases, except for hydrofluoric acid and hot phosphoric acid. This makes them suitable for use in corrosive heating applications.
Quartz stirring rods demonstrate excellent stability in high-temperature experiments and do not deform easily. Quartz glass has a low thermal expansion coefficient, enabling it to withstand rapid temperature changes without shattering. Even when quartz glass is heated to around 1100°C and then placed in room-temperature water, it will not crack. Furthermore, quartz stirring rods possess strong heat resistance, with a short-term use temperature of up to 1300°C and a long-term use temperature of 1100°C.
자주 묻는 질문
석영 유리는 우수한 물리적 및 화학적 특성, 매우 높은 기계적 경도, 우수한 전기 절연성, 고온 및 내식성, 낮고 안정적인 지연 성능, 우수한 빛 투과율 등을 갖춘 단단하고 부서지기 쉬운 소재입니다. 반도체, 광학, 전기, 화학, 항공우주, 자동차 및 기타 분야에서 널리 사용됩니다. 단단하고 부서지기 쉬운 재료는 가공이 어렵고 많은 분야에서 가장자리 붕괴가 적고 재료 손실이 적으며 단면 거칠기가 낮고 절단 두께 범위가 넓은 절단 공정이 절실히 필요합니다. 석영 유리의 전통적인 절단 방법은 기계식 절단, 즉 휠 절단입니다. 비 전통적인 절단 방법에는 워터젯 절단, 전기 화학 방전 와이어 절단, 연속 레이저 절단 등이 포함됩니다. 기계식 절단은 비용이 저렴하지만 휠과 재료 사이의 접촉으로 인해 공구 마모가 크고 재료가 공구에 의해 쉽게 오염됩니다. 석영 유리는 가장자리 붕괴, 미세 균열 및 잔류 응력이 발생하기 쉬우므로 재료의 강도와 성능에 영향을 미칩니다! 곡선 절단이 어렵고 연마 및 연마와 같은 후처리가 필요합니다. 레이저 절단은 재료에 직접 접촉하지 않고 접촉 응력이 없으며 복잡한 곡선 절단을 수행할 수 있습니다. 피코초 레이저는 작은 스폿 직경, 고정밀, 재료와의 짧은 작용 시간, 작은 작용 면적의 장점을 가지고 있으며 단단하고 부서지기 쉬운 재료의 가공에 적합합니다.